Community Survey for Sheffield City Council
Please answer the questions below. The information collected in this survey will be used by Sheffield City Council for the purposes of informing its physical activity and sport forward planning. An aggregated and anonymised summary of the results may be shared publicly and used by Sport England to inform national strategy. No data will be shared with any third parties for marketing purposes.
We would like to understand more about your level of physical activity. Please answer the following questions about what types of physical activity you do, whether you have used a leisure centre before; and what you think about physical activity.
1. In the past week, on how many days have you done a total of 30 minutes or more of physical activity, which was enough to raise your breathing rate? This may include sport, exercise and brisk walking, cycling or wheeling for recreation or to get to and from places but should not include housework or physical activity that is part of your job.
0 days
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
2. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about physical activity.
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
I know the recommended guidelines for physical activity
I understand the benefits of physical activity
I am physically capable of being active
I have the necessary sporting skills to be active
I have enough time to be active
I have the necessary resources to be active (e.g. money and equipment)
I have the social support I need to be active (e.g. support from family or someone to take part with)
I find sport or physical activity enjoyable and satisfying
It’s important to me to do sport or physical activity regularly
I feel guilty when I don’t do any sport or physical activity
I want to be active
Being active is part of my routine
3. Why do you do sport or physical activity? Please select all that apply
Social aspects/meeting people
To lose weight
Improving/managing my physical health
Improving/managing my mental health
To be a part of a team
To develop skills
Time alone/by myself
Improve my appearance
Role model to my children
Recovery from injury or surgery
GP referral
To get out of the house
I do not do any sport or physical activity
Other (please specify)
4. Who, if anyone, do you usually get active with? Please select any that apply
With friends
With family
With a personal trainer/coach
In a sporting group (e.g. club or team)
I am not currently active
We would like to understand if you want to make any changes to your current activity levels and what might encourage you to make them.
5. Do you want to be more physically active than you are now?
I am not sure
6. Which types of activities, if any, would you like to do more of? Please select up to three areas
Travel - walking/cycling/running/wheeling
Indoor Leisure – e.g. dance/fitness/active play/gym/swimming/group exercise classes
Outdoor Leisure – e.g. walking/cycling/running/ using green and open spaces/outdoor fitness
Sport - informal/non-competitive
Organised sport - structured competitive activity at clubs or schools
None of the above
7. Would any of the following sessions encourage you to be more active? Please select any that apply
Sessions for beginners
Sessions for parents and toddlers
Sessions for older people
Sessions for the ethnically diverse communities
Sessions for the LGBTQ+ communities
Sessions for people with a disability or a long-term health condition
Sessions for students/young people (under 16)
Sessions for women/girls
Other (please specify)
8. What else, if anything, would encourage you to be more active? Please select any that apply
More confidence to take part
Something to motivate me
If it was easier/quicker to travel to facilities
Availability of activities/sessions
Timing of activities/sessions
Activities suited to my fitness/ability level
Safer facilities
Someone to attend with
Childcare provision
Improved Covid-19 measures in place
None of the above
Other (please specify)
We would like to know about your indoor physical activity and the use of sport and leisure centres.
9. Have you used any of the following leisure centres to do a physical activity at least once in the last 12 months? Please select any that apply
Concord Sports Centre
English Institute of Sport (EIS) Sheffield
Graves Health & Sports Centre
Heeley Pool & Gym
Hillsborough Leisure Centre
Ice Sheffield
Ponds Forge International Sports Centre
Springs Leisure Centre
Thorncliffe Leisure Centre
Wisewood leisure Centre
None of these
Other (please specify)
10. How recently and regularly have you used these sports and leisure centres in the last 12 months?
More than once a week
At least once a week
At least once a month
Less than once a month
Haven't used any in the last 12 months
11. Please tell us why you have not used a local sport and leisure centre in the last 12 months to do a physical activity. Please select any that apply
Not enough time - family related
Not enough time - work related
It is too expensive
I don’t have anyone to exercise with
I have a disability or a long-term health condition
Most people I know do not use it
I do not know how to use the equipment
I do not have the digital skills (e.g. to register or book online)
I do not want to risk contracting Covid-19
I am too tired/I do not have enough energy
I do not feel the environment is welcoming
I have been going to another leisure centre
I have been doing activity outside of the leisure centre
Non-availability of activities at a convenient time
Transport issues
I am not aware of the sport and leisure centres in my local area
Don't know
Other (please specify)
Not applicable
12. Which ONE of the options below, if any, would most encourage you to use your leisure centre in the near future? Please select one only
No obligation free taster sessions
Discounted prices – for disadvantaged reasons such as students; disability single parents/unemployment etc.
Discounted prices – on basis of local residents/corporate membership/work discount/family membership
Exclusive sessions for a specific group (e.g. elderly/disabled/LGBTQ+...)
Other (please specify)
None of the above
13. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Don't know
I am aware of the sport and leisure facilities in my local area
I know what activities are offered by these sport and leisure centres in my local area
In the next three months I intend to exercise at least once a week at the leisure centre
I intend to exercise more often at the leisure centre than in more informal settings (e.g. at home/in the park etc.)
The leisure centre does not play a significant role in the lifestyle I want to live
14. How would you rate the local authority owned sport and leisure facilities in Sheffield?
Very good
Very poor
No opinion
I do not use any of the local authority owned facilities
We would like to understand what would encourage you to start using indoor facilities or to use them more often.
15. What is important to you when choosing an indoor sport and leisure facility to use? Please select all that apply
Child friendly
Membership offers
Links to existing clubs
Activities on offer (e.g. fitness activities/gym/pool/sports hall)
Disabled access
Transport links
None of the above
Other (please specify)
16. What would you like to see us invest in at local indoor sport and leisure facilities? Please select up to three facilities/services.
Swimming pool
Large sports hall
Multipurpose space
Community hall
Children's soft play
Family activity zone
Activity studios
Artificial sports pitch
Community hubs/activities
Indoor climbing
Reducing the carbon footprint of our facilities
Provision of outdoor areas in addition to indoor provision
None of the above
Other (please specify)
We want to hear how you like to use the outdoors to get active, if there is anything that stops you getting active outdoors and if there is anything that would make using the outdoors for physical activity easier for you.
17. Which of the following places do you use to get active outdoors? Please select all that apply
Parks and green spaces
Outdoor sports pitches/courts/lawns
Sport/leisure centre (e.g. football pitches/athletics track/bowls green/tennis courts etc)
Golf courses
National Parks/Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Roads and streets
My garden
I don't get active outdoors
18. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding green spaces and parks
Strongly agree
Strongly disgree
Don't know
I have easy access to a green space/park
There are green spaces/parks near where I live
I feel safe when using the green spaces or parks near where I live
I know where to find information on green spaces/parks in my local area
19. What would encourage you to use the outdoors for sport and physical activity more? Please select all that apply
Improving the safety of outdoor spaces
Improved lighting in parks or open spaces in local community areas
More information about activities available outdoors
Making outdoor spaces more inclusive
Improving the maintenance of outdoor recreational spaces
Reducing crime and antisocial behaviour
Better availability or timing of outdoor activities
Improving the car parking facilities
Improving the cycle storage facilities
Improving the access by public transport
Improving access and footpath routes for walking/cycling
Increasing the range of activities on offer outdoors
Having more confidence to use outdoor spaces
Better signposting
Improving the facilities for the type of activity/sport I am interested in
Access to showers/changing rooms/toilet facilities
Improving the offer for those with specific needs
Other (please specify)
None of the above
We want to know whether you have done any walking or cycling for travelling purposes (e.g. to work place, school or local shops), and if there is anything that could encourage you to travel by means other than vehicle more, and make active travel easier for you.
20. Thinking back over the last 4 weeks, in an average week, how often did you walk for active travel purposes (e.g. to and from work, school or local shops)?
0 days
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
21. If any, on an average day, how much time in minutes do you spend walking?
1-10 minutes
11-20 minutes
21-30 minutes
31-40 minutes
41-50 minutes
51-60 minutes
More than 1 hour
22. Thinking back over the last 4 weeks, in an average week, how often did you cycle for active travel purposes (e.g. to and from work, school or local shops)?
0 days
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
23. If any, on an average day, how much time in minutes do you spend cycling?
1-10 minutes
11-20 minutes
21-30 minutes
31-40 minutes
41-50 minutes
51-60 minutes
More than 1 hour
24. Is there anything that would encourage you to travel by walking or cycling or other active means instead of by vehicle or, if you already travel actively, is there anything that would support you to do this more often? Please select all that apply
Improved safety features/feeling safer
More direct routes
Prioritising walkers/cyclists at junctions
Walkers/cyclists separated from traffic
Better facilities to support active travel (secure cycle parking/changing rooms/showers)
Learn to cycle sessions
Support for accessing/buying a bike
Cycle maintenance sessions
Other (please specify)
None of the above
We would like to hear the views of parents, guardians and those that work with children about what would help the children they are responsible for get active.
25. Are you responsible for children under 16?
Yes as a parent or guardian
Yes through my work
26. What barriers, if any, do you face getting the children you are responsible for active? Please select all that apply
Lack of time
Lack of money
Lack of transport
Lack of information on how and where to get them active
Lack of facilities near me
Lack of facilities with access for disabled children
Child does not enjoy being active
Child's lack of confidence
Child's lack of experience
Child's lack of motivation
Child's lack of understanding of why exercise is important
Lack of school sport provision
Lack of sport clubs for children
Local facilities do not feel welcoming to families/children
Availability of children's sessions
Timing of children's sessions
Child safety issues
Child health issues
Childcare or caring issues
Concerns about Covid-19
Other (please specify)
None of the above
We want to make sure that we are hearing from a variety of people who are representative of Sheffield City Council, all of the following questions are optional but by answering them you will be helping us to check that we're representing everyone's views.
27. How is your health in general?
Very good
Very bad
28. Please state your age:
Prefer not to say
29. Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more? (A disability is an impairment that has (or is likely to have) a substantial (more than minor), adverse, long-term (more than a year) effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities).
Prefer not to say
30. Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day to day activities?
Yes a lot
Yes a little
Not at all
Prefer not to say
31. Please tick the box(es) below that best describe your impairment(s). We list a few examples but recognise many other conditions could also be listed.
Communication (e.g. impaired speech)
Developmental (e.g. dyslexia)
Hearing (e.g. mild to profound deafness)
Impaired memory/concentration or ability to understand (e.g. head injury/stroke/dementia)
Learning (e.g. mild to profound learning disability)
Long-term illness or health (e.g. cancer/HIV/diabetes/chronic heart disease/arthritis/chronic asthma)
Mental ill health (e.g. depression/anxiety/bipolar disorders/schizophrenia)
Mobility or physical (e.g. walking/dexterity)
Visual (e.g. partial sighted to blind)
Autistic Spectrum Disorders or Attention Deficit Disorders or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorders
Other (please specify)
Prefer not to say
32. What is your ethnicity?
English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish or British
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other white background
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed or Multiple background
Any other Asian background
African background
Any other Black/Black British or Caribbean background
Other (please specify)
33. Are you...?
I don’t identify with a specific gender
Prefer to self-describe
Prefer not to say
34. What is your current working status? Please select your main status
Working full-time
Working part-time
Unemployed – less than 12 months
Unemployed (long term) – more than 12 months
Not working – retired
Not working – looking after house/children
Not working – long term sick or disabled
Student – in full-time education studying for a recognised qualification
Student – in part-time education studying for a recognised qualification
35. What is your postcode? (We would like to use your postcode to derive the index of multiple deprivation for the area where you live for social inclusion purposes only).
36. How important are these factors in encouraging me to physically activity in outdoor spaces
Very important
Very unimportant
Don't know/Prefer not to say
Access to a café/toilets
Opportunity to connect with nature (wildlife)
Opportunity to be in the ‘Great Outdoors’
Opportunity to be near water
Opportunity to enjoy the landscape
Opportunity to undertake own nature-connection activities e.g. bird watching/wildlife photography
Organised activities to learn about the natural environment e.g. nature walks
Activities to learn about the cultural environment e.g. local history walks
Informal information to learn about the natural or cultural environment e.g. interpretation boards or self-guided walks
37. On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being not at all and 5 being definitely) how would you associate these words with Sheffield Leisure facilities?
38. Are you aware of the major sporting events that the city has hosted in the last 10 years?
39. If yes, have they encouraged you to be more active?
Thank you for completing the Community survey Sheffield City Council, please click 'Submit'