North Warwickshire Borough Council Community Survey
Thank you for agreeing to complete this short survey to help us understand your attitude towards activity and exercise and your local leisure centres and facilities. We will also ask you some questions about what you are doing during lockdown due to Covid 19. Your answers will help us understand what barriers may prevent you from being active and using your local centre in the future and what we can do to help overcome these. Your responses are anonymous.
1. How important do you think regular exercise or activity is?
Very important
Neither important nor unimportant
Very unimportant
2. Do you exercise or undertake activity as much as you would like to?
Definitely enough
Probably enough
Not sure
Probably not
Definitely not
3. Which of the following best describes your current attitude towards becoming or being physically active?
Not on my radar
Thinking about it
Planning to do something soon
Getting started
Sticking with it
Lifestyle/Pattern of activity
Moderate intensity activity will raise your heart rate, and make you breathe faster and feel warmer than normal (e.g. brisk walking, cycling).
Vigorous intensity activities will cause adults to get warmer and breathe much harder and their hearts beat rapidly, making it difficult to carry on a conversation (e.g. running, sports such as football, swimming).
4. Prior to lockdown, looking back over a typical four week period, did you participate in 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity once a week? (Do not include recreational walking but do include more strenuous walking i.e. power, trekking or cliff walking)
Yes always
5. Prior to lockdown, over the course of a normal week, did you undertake 150 minutes (2 and a half hours) of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity?
Yes always
Yes usually
Not often
No never
6. Prior to lockdown, looking back on a typical three month period, how many days of the week on average did you undertake in total at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise/activity over the whole day? Please select an answer to continue.
One day per week
Two days per week
Three days per week
Four days per week
Five days per week
More than five days per week
7. Prior to lockdown, how did you undertake most of your exercise or activity sessions?
In home exercise based
In home using equipment
Recreational walking
Strenuous walking (power/trekking/cliff)
Playing Sport
Leisure Centre or Health Club
Do not do any
Other (please specify)
8. If you said Leisure Centre or Health Club - which centre/club do you use?
9. If you said Park - which park do you use?
10. Would you like to do more physical activity or exercise? Please choose an answer to continue.
11. Why would you like to undertake more activity or exercise?
To improve /maintain my physical health
To improve my mental health/self-esteem
To improve/maintain body tone/shape
To maintain/lose weight
To socialise/meet new friends
For specific health reasons/issues
I enjoy it/feel good factor
Other (please specify)
12. Prior to lockdown, what stopped you from doing more? Please choose an answer to continue.
Not enough time (work)
Not enough time (home)
Not enough time (childcare)
Health/Disability problems
Costs involved
Not sure how to start/what to do
Lack of confidence
No convenient and accessible facilities
No motivation
Other (please specify)
13. Why don't you want to do more exercise or activity? Please choose an answer to continue.
Not enough time (work)
Not enough time (home)
Not enough time (childcare)
Health/Disability problems
Costs involved
Not sure how to start/what to do
Not bothered/not interested
No motivation
Not important to me
Just do not want to
No need/do enough already
Other (please specify)
14. How likely do you think it is that you will increase the amount of exercise or activity that you do in the immediate future?
Very likely
Quite likely
Quite unlikely
Very unlikely
15. How likely do you think it is that you will increase the amount of exercise or activity that you do once lockdown is relaxed?
Very likely
Quite likely
Quite unlikely
Very unlikely
16. How important are the following factors when thinking about undertaking more physical activity or exercise?
1 Very unimportant
3 Neutral
5 Very Important
Availability of transport
Availability of time
Direct costs e.g. fees or charges
Indirect costs e.g. clothing
Personal motivation or goals
Support from peer group
Appropriate classes and activities
Accessible and good quality facilities
Any cultural or religious reasons
Any disability or physical impairments
Cleanliness of facilities
Ability to maintain social distancing
17. Would you ever consider using:
Already do
Atherstone Leisure Complex
Polesworth Sports Centre
Coleshill Leisure Centre
18. Prior to lockdown, what was the main reason you did not use them or would not consider using them?
No time
No accessible/convenient facilities
Facilities not good enough quality
No information
No motivation
No need
Poor health
Use already
Happy where I am
Prefer outdoor activity
Other (please specify)
19. To what extent would the following encourage you to use these leisure centres or facilities?
Not encourage
Strongly encourage
More information
Lower costs or prices
Better transport
Better range of facilities or equipment
More childcare facilities
Better programming e.g. class times
Improved facilities
Better quality coaching or instruction
Cleanliness of facilities
Ability to maintain social distancing
20. Was there anything else you would like to bring to our attention that was either stopping you undertaking physical exercise or using the leisure facilities in North Warwickshire (prior to lockdown)?
Finally, we would like to ask you a few questions about your activities during this lockdown period and afterwards
21. Since your local leisure/sport centre went into lockdown would you say that you have been:
Significantly more active
More active
About the same
Less active
Significantly less active
22. If you have been doing more of any activity, what have you been doing more of?
Other outdoor activities
Fitness (indoors by yourself)
Fitness (indoors using online or live interactive home workouts from my leisure centre)
Fitness (indoors using online or live interactive workouts from others
23. If you said Fitness (indoors using online or live interactive workouts from others) please can you specify e.g. YouTube ?
24. When your leisure/sports centre reopens, do you think you will ...
Use it more
Use it about the same
Use it less
Not use it at all
25. If you said Not at all or Less, then why?
I will have less time available
I will not be able to afford it
I will be doing my activity independently outdoors
I will be doing my activity independently indoors
I will still be concerned about cleanliness or being in public areas with others
Other (please specify)
26. What age are you?
27. What gender are you?
28. Employment status
Full time employment
Part time employment
Home carer
29. Would you like to be included in any further research for the North Warwickshire leisure services? If yes, please leave us your name and contact details.
You will only be contacted regarding the leisure facilities provided by North Warwickshire Borough Council. All contact details will be destroyed within three months.